WP1 would serve to analyze successful EU farm business models and update existing curricula according to the sea educational needs while familiarizing partners to bologna aspects in curriculum development (learning outcomes and ECTS comparable course descriptors).
The main goal of this WP is to lay down the foundations for the remaining project WPs. As some of the HEIs have relatively little experience in curriculum development through CBHE projects, workshops on competence-based curriculum and Bologna principles will be organized in the first meeting. Results will help to identify gaps in terms of learning outcomes and what kind of trainings and course materials are needed to be developed in WP2-WP3. The analysis of existing programs will also serve to define what kind of short courses are interesting for public agencies and private organisations working on agriculture. Draft of newly designed program will be shared and consulted with public and private sectors. The comparative report will help to map and align the learning outcomes of the courses to be updated or renewed. This WP will have two main outputs in form of reports provided in English. All EU project partners will take active roles in delivering these results. As the leading regional coordinator, RUA will be responsible for smooth and efficient coordination work in WP1 assisted by NUOL and MTU in Laos and Myanmar respectively and UZ in EU.