The 6th Technical Training on “Development of Transferable Curriculum: Piloting of Transferable Courses Online/Offline” was held from 30 October to 03 November 2023 at the National University of Battambang, Battambang Province, Cambodia. University partners from SU, NUoL, RUA, UHST, NUBB, UPC, Zagreb, HSWT and Opegieka participated in this TT. Main activities from this event are:
- Test drone at NUBB farm to get real data for applies smart agriculture in SE (project based) Mosaicking of the data,
- Student compition online/offline on related topics on agricultural science technique for business,
- Supskill on drone operation and utilization for precision agriculture (drone-based spraying), an international standard on drone pesticide application
- Development of transferable curriculum/courses
- Dissemination and Sustainability
- Field visit to Women Agriculture Network in Banan